
Prospan Cough Syrup


Prospan Cough Syrup is a product formulated to assist in the symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory tract inflammation and chronic inflammatory bronchial diseases accompanied by cough. Completely herbal; Containing dried Hedera helix folium extract, Prospan does not contain colorants and sugar. Herbal cough syrup that can be used by both children and adults, its special extract known as EA 575 has been carefully developed using a patented process. It has been shown to relieve cough and chest pain in numerous clinical trials and scientific studies involving more than 65 thousand adults and children worldwide.

Prospan Cough Syrup loosens and clears mucus. With less frequent cough, it helps to relieve it effectively. Studies have reported that cough was relieved in 93% of those who used Prospan syrup. It helps to thin and break down mucus to treat the feeling of congestion in the respiratory tract due to cold and to facilitate the cleaning of the respiratory tract. Studies show relief of chest congestion in 93% of cases. It helps soothe cough caused by cold.

Prospan Cough Syrup contains a special extract obtained from the ivy plant (Hedera helix). Prospan, which contains the extract known as EA 575, has been rigorously tested in clinical trials and scientific research for cough relief. Thanks to its naturally derived active ingredients, Prospan does not contain allergens such as gluten, soy and dairy products. To join those who use Prospan Cough Syrup, you can add the product to your cart immediately.

How to Use Prospan Cough Syrup?
Unless the doctor states otherwise, children between the ages of 1-5 should take 2.5 ml three times a day; Children aged 6-9 years: 5 ml 3 times a day; Adults are recommended to use 5 to 7.5 ml 3 times a day.

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Etken Madde: Sarmaşık Özü

Hedera helix, commonly known as ivy, is a species of plant belonging to the Araliaceae family. Extracts obtained from the leaves of this plant can be preferred in various health and cosmetic products. Hedera helix extract can be used to treat respiratory conditions such as cough and bronchitis. The components contained in this extract also have respiratory relaxing and expectorant effects. It can also be used as an edema reliever due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Hedera helix extract can also be used in cosmetic products. It is preferred in skin care products due to its moisturizing and regenerating properties.

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Ivy Extract, Ethanol, Potassium Sorbate, Citric Acid, Xanthan Gum, Cherry Flavor, Sorbitol, Water

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