Parodontax Daily Toothpaste Whitening


Parodontax Daily Toothpaste Whitening is a fluoride toothpaste suitable for daily use, developed for healthy teeth and gums. The product, which is frequently preferred by those with bleeding gums, helps stop and prevent bleeding gums. It gently cleans the stains on the tooth surface. It helps teeth regain their natural whiteness. Parodontax Toothpaste, which is recommended to be used twice a day, should not be swallowed while brushing and should not be used more than 3 times a day.

Parodontax Whitening Toothpaste, suitable for use by individuals aged 12 and above, is effective against bacteria accumulated on teeth and gum lines. It eliminates bacteria in the area with regular brushing. Thanks to its special formula, it supports the elimination of plaque, which is one of the main causes of gum bleeding. It is formulated to help protect the natural bond between teeth and gums. For this reason, it is also known by its users as Parodontax toothpaste for bleeding gums.

Parodontax Daily Toothpaste has a whitening effect. It helps eliminate factors that cause teeth staining, such as tea and coffee. It leaves a pleasant freshness in the mouth with its improved taste. Subjective Parodontax Daily Toothpaste Whitening reviews also state that the whitening effect of the product is visibly effective and the taste of the product has a refreshing effect. You can add the product to your cart immediately to be among those who use Parodontax Whitening Effective Daily Toothpaste.

Use twice a day, morning and evening.

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Water is everything! 💦

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Clean water resources are rapidly depleting in our world. We would like to remind all our visitors about the responsible use of water for a sustainable future.

For now, the only planet where life is possible is our Earth. Let's own it 🌍

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Sodium Bicarbonate, Water, Glycerin, Hydrated Silica, Alcohol, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Mentha arvensis (Japanese Peppermint) Oil, Mentha piperita (Peppermint) Oil, Echinacea purpurea (Echinacea) Juice, Krameria triancira (Ratania) Extract, Xanthan Gum, Titanium Dioxide, Sodium Fluoride, Chamomilla recutita (German chamomile) Extract, Salvia officinalis (Sage) Oil, Commphora myrrha (Myrrh) Extract, Limonene, Sodium Saccharin, Linalol

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