
Dermoskin Antreseborr Shampoo


If your scalp is itchy or red, flaking may have occurred. Constant scratching of the scalp causes crusting on the skin. ****Dermoskin Antreseborr Shampoo, specially prepared for problematic scalp, has a single active ingredient regulated with the appropriate pH to show the fastest effect. Dermoskin shampoo content suppresses epidermal cell proliferation. Pinus palustris tar oil helps reduce symptoms on the scalp such as oiliness, dandruff and flaking. It helps dissolve and clean the crust. If you have skin that produces more scalp oil than normal, it is recommended to wash your hair frequently. In such a case, Dermoskin Antreseborr Shampoo will be the perfect choice for your needs. Dermoskin Antreseborr shampoo content consists of a special formula that has the feature of reducing dandruff and oiliness.

Dandruff, rapid oiling, and dryness are among the most frequently complained conditions in hair and scalp. In the face of such a problem, it is very important to determine the problem and choose the shampoo for this problem. It is possible to get rid of scalp problems if you choose the right shampoo for you and follow the right routine with this shampoo. If you interrupt your hair care by using a shampoo specially prepared for oily and dandruff hair, your dandruff may return. This is why the right routine for anti-dandruff shampoos is important.

If you are having a problem with your hair and scalp, join those who use Dermoskin antreseborr shampoo and enjoy getting rid of scalp problems as quickly as possible. If you want to have a healthy scalp, you can add Dermoskin Antreseborr Shampoo to your cart. Healthy, pleasant shopping!

Apply 3 times a week, massaging into wet hair. Leave it on your hair for 2-3 minutes and then rinse with plenty of water.

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Clean water resources are rapidly depleting in our world. We would like to remind all our visitors about the responsible use of water for a sustainable future.

For now, the only planet where life is possible is our Earth. Let's own it 🌍

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Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Water, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Sodium Chlorite (Salt), Pinus palustris (Long Needle Pine) Tar Oil

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