Orzax Ocean

Orzax Ocean Methyl B12 10 ml


Orzax Ocean Methyl B12 10 ml is a food supplement with an easy-to-use spray head that contains active vitamin B12 in methylcobalamin form. Its use for adults as well as children between the ages of 4 and 10 is by spraying a puff under the tongue. Orzax Ocean Methyl, also known as B12 spray, should be swallowed after spraying it on the tongue and waiting for 45 seconds. The product, which corresponds to 3 drops in each puff, contains 1000 µg of vitamin B12. This value corresponds to 40000% of the nutritional reference value. The product, which is suitable for vegetarian use, can be used quickly and easily thanks to its spray head. Orzax Ocean Methyl B12 spray should not be used for the prevention or treatment of diseases.

Vitamin B12 plays a role in red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, nerve function, and the production of DNA, molecules that carry genetic information inside cells. It can help increase energy, improve memory and prevent heart disease. Studies show that the fetus's brain and nervous system require adequate levels of B12 from the mother to develop properly. Vitamin B12, which helps support bone health, may help improve mood and symptoms of depression. Vitamin B12, which supports normal hair, skin and nail health, can help eliminate dermatological symptoms in individuals with deficiency.

Orzax Ocean Methyl B12 with spray head is a food supplement containing 10 ml vitamin B12, meeting 40000% of the nutritional reference value. You can also have this product by adding it to your cart.

Unless the doctor states otherwise, it is recommended for adults to consume it as a sublingual spray once a day. It should be sprayed onto the tongue and waited for 45 seconds before swallowing.

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Water is everything! 💦

Water, the basic substance of life, is the most common ingredient in cosmetics and supplements, as well as in our bodies.

Water, which is used as a moisturizer and softener for the skin in cosmetic products, is also used as a natural solvent in supplement products.

Clean water resources are rapidly depleting in our world. We would like to remind all our visitors about the responsible use of water for a sustainable future.

For now, the only planet where life is possible is our Earth. Let's own it 🌍

Bu bileşeni içeren ürünler:


Water, Glycerol E422, Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12), Potassium sorbate

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