New Life Efa One 45 Capsules


New Life Efa One Capsule is a food supplement with high Omega-3 content in a single capsule. Efa One contains 1020 mg Omega-3 in a single capsule with KD-Pür® technology; It contains 1200 mg fish oil, 580 mg EPA, 390 mg DHA and 50 mg other fatty acids. New Life Efa One Capsule, which has the approval of International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS), proves its quantity accuracy, purity, cleanliness, reliable content and stability. Thanks to IFOS approval, New Life Efa One Capsule also proves that it does not contain heavy metals and mercury. People who cannot eat well enough can easily get Omega-3 fatty acids with New Life Efa One Capsule.

New Life Efa One Capsule is a product produced in Italy. The EPA and DHA it contains are Omega-3 fatty acids. DHA forms the retina layer of the eye and an important part of the brain. It is important for preventing brain and eye diseases. EPA has anti-inflammatory properties. It contributes to the prevention of heart diseases. Although EPA and DHA are beneficial separately, there are also areas where they are more effective together. Although EPA and DHA are mostly obtained from animal foods, individuals who do not consume enough animal foods in their daily diet may consider using food supplements. New Life Efa One Capsule user reviews are extremely subjective. However, New Life Efa One Capsule is the EFA product with the highest concentration, containing 85% Omega-3. New Life Efa One Capsule product does not contain gluten or fish-derived vitamins A and D.

New Life Efa One Capsule can be used 1 or 2 capsules a day on a full stomach. If you would like to try New Life Efa One Capsule food supplement, you can buy it now.

Unless the doctor states otherwise, 1 or 2 capsules per day can be used on a full stomach.

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Water is everything! 💦

Water, the basic substance of life, is the most common ingredient in cosmetics and supplements, as well as in our bodies.

Water, which is used as a moisturizer and softener for the skin in cosmetic products, is also used as a natural solvent in supplement products.

Clean water resources are rapidly depleting in our world. We would like to remind all our visitors about the responsible use of water for a sustainable future.

For now, the only planet where life is possible is our Earth. Let's own it 🌍

Bu bileşeni içeren ürünler:


EPA Eicosapentaenoic acid, DHA Docosahexaenoic acid, Fatty Acids, Fish Source Gelatin, Glycerol E422, Alpha Tocopherol (Vitamin E), Water

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