Vegetarian products
Vegetarianism is a diet that limits or completely eliminates the consumption of animal products. This type of diet may be chosen based on ethical, environmental, health or religious beliefs. Vegetarians generally do not consume animal products such as meat, chicken and fish, but may consume dairy products, eggs and other animal by-products depending on their preference. People choose a vegetarian lifestyle for different reasons. Vegetarianism may be preferred for reasons such as the right of animals to live and the right to avoid suffering. It may be preferred for reasons such as industrial animal husbandry reducing agricultural areas, causing wild irrigation, and accelerating global warming. It may be preferred on the grounds that a vegetarian diet reduces cholesterol or cardiovascular diseases or is more suitable for human physiology. Communities that do not consume certain living things due to their beliefs, such as East Asian religions or Seventh-day Adventists, may prefer vegetarianism. Vegetarianism is a lifestyle that affects not only eating habits but also the content choices of products such as cosmetics and food supplements. Vegetarian cosmetics refer to products that do not use ingredients derived from animals in the production process. However, this does not mean that all animal products are avoided like veganism. For example, by-products such as honey or milk may be used. Vegetarian food supplements are supplements that do not contain animal-derived ingredients and are formulated with herbal or laboratory-produced ingredients. Compliance with the vegetarian label in such products means that animal-derived ingredients are not used.