CISTUS Antivirus Lozenge 10 Pieces


CISTUS Antivirus Lozenge helps prevent flu by showing antiviral and antibacterial activity. The lozenge, which does not enter the systemic circulation, provides 6 hours of protection. It plays a role in relieving dry cough and throat itching that occur during the disease. CISTUS Antivirus Lozenge Against Flu helps prevent flu illness by providing antiviral treatment in the early period. Flu lozenges, whose effectiveness has been proven by clinical studies, help protect against the flu virus and prevent the spread of the virus in shopping malls, schools, cinemas, concert venues, public transportation and other crowded travel environments. There is no known side effects.

CISTUS Antivirus Lozenge works by creating a barrier layer on the surface of the mouth and pharynx, thanks to the Cistus Creticus plant extract. The layer that helps prevent viruses from passing into the cell wall may also protect against other viral infections, regardless of the virus type. In this respect, the lozenge creates a natural barrier against viruses and bacteria in the mouth and throat mucosa. The effectiveness and safety of the CISTUS Anti-Flu Lozenge product, which is also used safely in European countries, has been proven by studies.

CISTUS Antivirus Lozenge can be used by slowly sucking in the mouth 3 to 6 times a day. It is recommended to take the lozenge 1-2 hours after taking other medications to prevent interactions with other medications. If the symptoms do not ease within 2-3 days despite starting treatment, it is recommended that you see a physician. You can purchase the CISTUS Antivirus Lozenge product, which does not contain preservatives, colorants, sugar, gluten and lactose, by adding it to your cart immediately.

It is used orally, 3 to 6 times a day, unless the doctor states otherwise.

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